I recently learned a very good lesson about people’s character, or lack thereof. I made the mistake of assuming that people in OUR community naturally have it.
Well, you know what happens when you ASS-U-&-ME, and yes, it did make an “ASS out of ME” as well as cost me $85.00 S&H and my Custom ALICE Pack that I sold to the guy in OUR community for what I had in it… $300.00
That person was in our Minuteman Telegram Group and from his participation there and his small YouTube channel, seemed like a fellow Prepper / Minuteman of character, but I was wrong.
After several months of him promising to make payment for the pack then breaking his word, he decided to leave the group for fear of being called out I would guess.
He talks a good game about honor, doing the things, being a “man of God”, yada, yada, yada… But actions speak louder than words and the actions of this person betray him without a doubt.
To be clear, all of what I’m saying here was saved in the format of a Telegram conversation during the months of his constant lying and excuses, so there is no misunderstanding going on here. The only reason I don’t post it directly is that calling him out by name would just result in another lie on his part for his disgraceful behavior and likely result in him DOXING me since he has my address.
People that can’t take responsibility for their actions are prone to blaming anyone but themselves and usually try to reverse the blame onto the victim rather than repent of their behavior. It’s never too late to repent, it’s called “owning it” and is a sign of good character.
Ironically, at one point in our conversing, he stated, “I told you I’m not a thief” and was upset at the thought of being called one. If someone has to tell you that, they likely are as he proved. There is no repentance either on his part.
John at Warrior Poets put this video out last month. He nailed this guy with…
Good people repent… always, if they are not repenting, they are not good people.
I tried giving the guy the benefit of the doubt for over 6 months, and even with hardships in his life, which he legitimately was having, he could have easily made good on his word in that time, if he was of good character.
Like I said, he did come into some hard times, and I accounted for this in our dealings, but when a man breaks his word repeatedly without remorse, what does that say of him?
It says his word is not his bond, and he has no honor.
Not making good on your word once or twice due to circumstances beyond your control is one thing, but anyone with honor will do what needs to be done to keep their word and will be repentant of the position they have put themselves, no matter the circumstances.
Honorable men still consider their word as their bond. Unfortunately, that seems to be the exception in this day and age, as honor is a relative term on a sliding curve, but I would/did not expect to see it in our community, and I was played the fool for my naivety.
If you have to hock a gun to pay your bill, then you do it. I know I have many times before to make the bills. I checked in on him every 30 days for another “promise” of the money or pack being sent back, then waited another 30 days to ask what was up only to be given the same “I’ll get it out this week” lie, month after month.
After five months of this I took the “Matthew 18” approach and asked a second brother from the Minuteman Community to confront him, which he stepped up and did, only to receive the same lie of “I’ll get it out next week” to be followed by no action going on for more than 30 days as of this post.
Matthew 18:15-18 KJV
(15) Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
(16) But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
(17) And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
(18) Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
At this point I consider the pack stolen and the man to be dishonorable.
I made this post to hopefully prevent someone from getting the same treatment by giving the benefit of the doubt to those in the community as I did and to maybe prick his conscience, if he has one, about what he did that it might lead to repentance.
He also claimed to be a fellow believer in YHVH (GOD) and one that follows His Torah (Commandments), I even put him in touch with a brother near his hometown to help him find a new home when he was kicked out of his. I have since warned my brother in Yah to stay clear from him, luckily, he never contacted him.
That was more poor judgment on my part, vouching for someone based off their internet behavior. But you can only go by what you see, and only Yah sees the heart of man. We have to use judgment, something gained with experiences such as this one.
But you know them by their fruits…
1 John 2:4 KJV
(4) He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
Well, it’s called the 7th Commandment and is pretty clear.
Exodus 20:15
“Thou shalt not steal.”
Now I consider this as an easy lesson, “some guy stealing from me in good times” and have learned that someone you make a snap judgement on based off minimal information is likely to let you down.
Thinking about this in post SHTF scenario and what people will say/do to get into your inner circle for food/security… Much bigger problem!
Character does matter and too many are willing to sell their integrity (or simply give it away). Don’t beat yourself up too much, this is less about your judgement of one’s character than one willing to sacrifice their own character, integrity, and reputation. I’ve had my misjudgments and losses as well; I try not to let that damage my ability to still trust others (just a little more cautiously). I hope that individual does repent and seek to fix the situation; your blessing and willingness to help him out will end up being hot coals on his head, and it won’t get any better for that individual.