I saw one of these rigs at my local MILSURP store in 2022 and thought “that would make a great handout rig” and had intended to set it up as that.
It actually replaced my Tactical Tailor Split MAV as my primary rig for short time because I liked the extra space it provides for non-fighting gear as well as supporting 6x+ mags for a carbine.
The next evolution for me was to improve a TAPs rig before switching to my JayJay’s belt kit and regulating the chest harness to a non-patrolling role.
I know many people complain about "X" harness setups, but I've never had an issue with them myself. This rig rides high and tight and carries a lot of stuff securely and is less than $35.00 all day long on the internet, so it is a lot of bang for buck IMO.
There are a few other budget friendly options out there, but I have not found anything that is focused around the “GP” (General Purpose) Pouch setup like this one and the alternatives (like the Condor Chest Rig) usually have open top pouches for mags and small utility pouches which reduce the capabilities of them.
One of those capabilities is being able to carry water. Some feel that 2nd line gear is not where water should be stored, but I disagree.
You emergency water should be with you at all times as you may have to drop your pack and not be able to return to it. If you have a camelback setup integrated into your second line (i.e. you never take your small attack pack off while wearing your 2nd line) then having hard containers on the chest rig isn’t that crucial.
Having tried this setup, the “heat sandwich” that a CH/PACK make in the Summer is very uncomfortable and will cause you to drink more, creating a catch-22 situation.
This has also been the experience of THE MODERN MINUTEMAN and why he prefers LBE for patrolling now, as do I.
I’ve since gone back to the standard 2QT on my 2nd line gear SOP that we carried in the USMC. The doctrine is there for a reason. If I’m humping a pack with my LBE, then I reserve the canteens for when the 3ltr resevoir in the pack runs dry.
As for durability, the average dude is not going to destroy Condor stuff so if it works, why pay more if you can’t afford it or don’t have your primary preps done.
Primary preps? Yeah, FOOD AND WATER!
Below is a typical load out and how I have mine setup as “hand out" rig to give out along with a spare carbine to someone joining my inner circle that is without.