So you have spent years building up supplies and learning to be somewhat self sufficient for when hard times come and then one day they arrive. What then?
Do you really think that those around you that stayed in their normalcy bias bubble as the USA became a 2nd world nation are going to care about your sacrifices and fair play when that time comes?
You might have put away long term food, garden seeds, medical gear, have means of water collection and filtration, etc. etc. but unless you can protect it from even your own neighbors, what is the point?
People don’t care about you, they care about themselves and have no problem stealing or even killing you to take your hard earned supplies, especially if their children are starving because of their failure to prepare.
These people will blame someone else for their failures and society has taught the last two generations that they DESERVE to be taken care of. When the .gov is not there to do it with massive entitlement programs, they will expect it from anyone that “has” when they “have not”.
You can’t rationalize with desperate people, violence and force are all they will have to resort to when there is no more handouts available for them.
Watch the mentality of this epic clip and then try to tell me it’s not 100% accurate.
Look around you today and let me know if you think:
The sense of entitlement is greater than that shown in this short story or less?
The societal propensity for violence is greater or less than shown?
The value of life is greater today than 60 years ago?
Given those changing variable, do you really believe your neighbors will behave any better than the Doctor’s good friends in the short story?
Time is short, have a plan to help others, but not to the point that it costs your family everything.
What’s your plan going to be when there is no more room in the lifeboat and more keep coming?
Both are solid responses. I’ll add another. Pray to the Father that he keep you through the coming times that we are told will be worse than any before and without the return of his Son, no man would survive.
Prepare for the worst, pray for the best. With man it’s not possible, a sniper can pick off a group easily no matter how many well trained pipe hitters you have, with Yah all things are possible.
Perhaps the wilderness the woman in Rev 12:6 is taken to and hidden in is your own AO.
If you're on your own, avoidance and disinformation are going to be your only valid options - staying away from/not socializing with others, and appearing to have nothing worth fighting for. If you can make it past the initial die-off, your chances increase.
But "defending" from a pack, or multiple packs as an individual, or even as a group of 3 or 4 is an exercise in futility. Just posting an effective 24/7, 360-degree guard is impossible with those numbers, longterm. Too much other stuff has to get done daily to make it sustainable.
Hope your early-warning systems pick up threats in enough time for you to get to a hidden fall-back, where you can wait things out.?Maybe keeping the bulk of your supplies at that fall-back, and getting the next day's necessities under cover of darkness? I don't think there is a "good" answer for very small groups.
Even people that claim to have solid neighbors may very quickly find out they were wrong when everything goes to crap.
War-gaming things, I approach situations from the perspective of the badguys, to help shore up defenses against them. I can think of a million ways to take out isolated groups of less than 10, with patience. It's not a pleasant thought.