The e-Sword slogan is actually:
the Sword of the LORD with an electronic edge
Which just proves how even those that “know better” are willing to propagate a lie when it comes to the Name of the Creator.
I’m going to use this slogan and e-Sword to prove that “LORD” is an unscriptural “striking through” of the Creator’s name and inserted in place of “YHVH” the name Yah himself has told us is to be proclaimed in my next post. For now this post is about getting you setup to search the scriptures with this awesome program.
E-Sword (← download here) is a fantastic program that is free to use for in-depth Bible study.
Below is a great video on how to install it and I have direct links below to add some tools not downloadable from within the basic program, you will need to create an account at to get them.
My Bible Downloads from inside the program, pick your own but these are my favorites.
Add on modules not found in the program but at
You will want to download the installer for some modules. FOR WINDOWS PC ONLY e-Sword Module Installer 0.6 If you download and install this program first, double-clicking the downloads will install them automatically.
(HRB) Hebraic Roots Bible, 2nd Edition with study notes, concordance and maps. 1.0
Bullinger - Companion Bible Notes, Appendices, and Graphics 1.0
(AHRC-MT) Jeff A. Benner - A Mechanical Translation of the Book of Genesis and Exodus Revised 1.0
Compare verses in several Bibles.
Notice Gen 1:1 is highlighted in another color, when you click the Compare button this is the verse to be compared in the Bibles you have selected in the compare settings.
Search the whole Bible. (CNTRL+S)
Opening / closing tabs.
Hovering on side tabs will open temporarily and clicking on the “pin” will pin it to the main window. Click it again to close to the side again.
Using reference books.
Historical books that often are confirmation of what’s found in the 66 book Bible and some like Enoch were not included in the “cannon” of scripture by Rome, but I suggest is scriptural as being found in the Dead Sea Scrolls would indicate also along with other qualifying markers.
If you are new to the faith, I would suggest sticking with the 66 book Bible as many have been led astray by false doctrine in pseudepigrapha books as discernment is required.
This is just a short viewing of the power of this program, I will be recording the screen and showing how I use the program for WORD STUDIES and research in upcoming examples.
Most questions can be answered by google and there are a ton of YouTube videos out there showing how to use the program, but if you have a question feel free to ask in the comments section below.