So, this is the long gun that stays locked in the car and while it could be called into service outside of its intended use for my 50-mile SHTF hike home with my GHB. It’s unlikely that I’m going to stop any mall shootings with it as it’s broken down, padlocked, and stored under layers of concealment at all times, making access very slow.
If I ever did find myself near an active shooter, the G17 w/ 509T would get the job done and lower the odds of getting shot by responding officers thinking I was the active shooter with a rifle. Sometimes the best tool for the job is not the one you want.
So basically, the question I’m asking myself is “should I consider the 9mm Carbine for the role of long gun on my 50-mile hike home”?
Canidate #1
16” Troy 556mm Carbine (14.44lb total / 120 rnds)
Eotech VUDU 1-10X scope
30rnd mags x4
Canidate #2
16” 9mm break-down Ruger Carbine (12.81lb total / 131 rnds)
Vortex Red Dot (ACSS)
Vortex flip over 4x magnifier
Trident-9 suppressor
60rnd drum x1
27rnd mags x2
17rmd x1
The AR15 Package = 1.6lbs heavier but in the scheme of things, that’s not enough to matter. The OAL of both packages is 26” so they tie there.
The obvious choice for ballistics and reaching out as well as PID is the 1-10x AR15 Carbine.
The break-down Ruger offers suppression and subsonic velocities available in 147gr 9mm and the Trident-9 works on both the carbine and Glock.
For 200M and in, the suppressed 9mm makes a lot of sense. I’ve got 11 more rounds (interchangeable with Glock), suppression, and a slightly lighter package.
What do you think I should go with?
If you are going to carry something the size of a rifle, it should be in a rifle caliber.
I don't personally see the purpose in PCCs, outside of a range toy. If I wanted something quieter, I'd go for a .300blk, and go with an even shorter barrel.