One reason why digital modes are so complicated in a grid-down scenarios is the required equipment & operating knowledge as well as the need for time synchronization.
From the WSJT-X Manual
System Requirements:
SSB transceiver and antenna
Computer running Windows (XP or later), Linux, or OS X
1.5 GHz or faster CPU and 100 MB of available memory
Monitor with at least 1024 x 780 resolution (more is better)
Computer-to-radio interface using a (virtual) serial port for T/R switching or CAT control or VOX, as is needed for your radio to computer setup
Audio input and output devices supported by the operating system, capable of 48 kHz sample rate
Audio or equivalent USB connections between transceiver and computer
A means for synchronizing the computer clock to UTC within ±1 second
Did you catch that?
A means for synchronizing the computer clock to UTC within ±1 second.
While there are those trying to bring digital modes for SHTF to the masses like OH8STN and groups practicing off-grid comms like RADAR… When you look at the small number of stations operating digital (compared to SSB / CW) then subtract all operators that require grid power to do so, the numbers are not there yet.
I have setup my own EmComms Go-Kit to operate "digital off-grid" but this is not the norm in the community.
While I don't consider it a primary SHTF mode (use your voice if you can), there is no denying that digital modes like JS8Call will reach out so much farther than SSB / CW in crappy propagation conditions that it needs to be in our toolbox.
Digital modes may be the only way to "make the trip" when you need to the most.
Like all things HAM related though, unless you are building your digital mode proficiency now, you will not own it when you need it the most..
For instance, if you cannot copy even 5WPM CW now, you won't learn it in a crisis. Same goes for setting up digital modes
Anyway, this post is about how to keep your computer synced via a cheap GPS dongle for these digital modes when the Internet is down.
Programs like JS8Call have solved this problem to an extent by allowing one to sync their computer to the reception of a signal start or stop time and with practice you can do so pretty easily, as you only need to be within +/- 2 seconds for it to work! For a great video on the matter, checkout KM4ACK's YouTube channel.
But for less than $15.00, there is a more elegant way.
The device is a U-Blox USB dongle that you can purchase of Amazon.
With a free program called BKtTimeSync you can have your computer auto syncing in minutes.
In the image above I have turned off wi-fi, set my Date/Time back 3 days: 2 hours. You can see in the GENERAL OPTIONS under Max Corr. this puts me outside the allowed sync time, and it will not sync.
Set this to zero and it will sync no matter how far off your computer clock is.
Above shows the computer now in sync.
And that is all there is to it. Easy, but a critical part of digital comms in SHTF.
EDIT: 04.17.2024
Because the Ublox 7 is slow to pick up satellites and rarely can grab them inside the house, I bought this model with a 6ft cord (has an updated Ublox 7 unit) to allow placing in the window and running the cord down to the computer.
It is very fast and accurate and worked with the same software just as easily. I recommend it over the Ublox 7 if space is not an issue in your kit.