Instead of making a DIY arrow Yagi like I posted here, I went with the 146-3BP and could not be more pleased with it’s performance so far. I will be doing some extensive testing on it later, but for now I needed a way to carry it in the field without worry of breaking it.
Below is the case I made for it today out of spare parts lying around.
Leftover plastic gutter length.
Close cell foam from stove crate.
Multicam ripstop material (previously bought 3 yards).

A piece of shock cord wraps everything nice and tight and the BNC post fits perfectly into the gutter to prevent movement, no noise during shake test.
I lock-tighted one side of the 8-32 all-thread to keep it from moving around.
I did add another piece of closed cell foam (not shown) to fill the gap inside the tube also.
Puts some camo paint on it after confirming with maker it does not de-tune it. Makes matching the elements a lot easier too.
Have you had it on an analyzer yet? It would be interesting to see how the bandwidth characteristics compare to the flat metal tape version. I assume you were able to measure a perfect 1.0:1 SWR at the desired operational frequency? The matching stub should make it fairly easy to do that, and even mark it for on-the-fly minor tuning changes. Nice build.