In Oregon it's very easy to find out what the law is, and I'm sure most states have online sources that allow access to the State Statutes.
A great resource for finding Statutes for the following states is
The topic came up while seeing on social media the perversions that are running rampant in the bigger cities. I asked my wife what she would do if a PEDO was seen masturbating to kids in a park like the video I had seen was recording. Yes! PEDOs are publicly recording these acts and posting them on social media.
Is it even a crime in your state to do that? It is in Oregon...
Is there anything you can do about it?
In Oregon, YOU have the power of arrest for ALL crimes committed in your presence.
I think the time is coming soon when you might have to exercise those rights, and it's best to know the LAW like the back of your hand before that time comes, because even some Cops don't know you have arrest rights in some states.
Any crime? What defines a crime in Oregon?
So a crime can be a misdemeanor like ORS 163.465 Public Indecency
and a citizen's arrest can be made if the act was done in the arresting citizen's presence.
You are also authorized to use necessary force to make that arrest, physical restraint, pepper spray, etc.
Now here is one that you might see a lot of in upcoming times. We saw it almost everyday in Oregon during the ANTIFA marches.
Obstructing vehicle traffic on a public way. This is the "catch all" that gets most people just being idiots in the road. Perfect example is this recent video in social media.
In the end, the point of this post is to show that YOU can do something. Oregon is one of the most liberal states in the Union, if we have "arrest powers" as citizens in Oregon, I'm betting we can't be the only ones left.
Make sure any action you decide to take is worth doing.
If you were to arrest that teen riding into your car and have to use any force, YOU would be the Perp according to social / mainstream media (who judges and executes in one stroke of the pen) and would spin it as "that innocent little child was just not thinking, but you should have known better".
Learn your local laws and make lines in the sand and decide what YOUR response is going to be when they are crossed, because people are purposely pushing the envelope for "clicks" or just pure chaos and it's likely to come to your front door, sooner or later.
Like the "Prank" of coming up to a stranger and dumping water from a gasoline can onto the hood of their car WHILE they are in it and threatening to light it off.
This is no different than pointing a gun (doesn't matter if it's not real) and threatening to shoot you, it's called MENACING and is a serious offense.
It's also one you can SHOOT that person if that fear is for your life or those around you.
These acts of aggression are going to be getting bolder and bolder because they know the Cops can't get there in time and will likely do nothing or the DA will let them go.
If every victim of their "click bait" acts was to stand up and fight back... Things would change.