Since my original TIME CHECK post (check that post for COF videos), a few things have changed. I put a Holosun 509T green dot on my G17 and started shooting USPSA once a month on average.
While after only 10-15 stages of USPSA I have shown improvement (stage hit factors) I believe having a fixed reference like these two drills is important to documenting and knowing what my current skill level is. They are posted here from my review and your entertainment, :-)
I plan to shoot them at least quarterly.Both drills are shot cold, no draws, no sight pictures, no shooting or dryfire in the past 24 hours allowed if they are to count.
Unlike the Bill Wilson’s original Bill Drill, that used an IPDA A-Zone of 8 inches, I’m using a 5.5” NRA B target replacement center for both drills. The outer ring is 8 inches and anything outside of that is a no-score.
My goal is all shots inside the black nine-ring (5.54”) in under 3.5 seconds unconcealed.
The Bill Drill focuses on an up and close response like the previous “burn em down” drill did, and the “No Fail” is just a great drill for focusing on the fundamentals of shooting.
The black on the repair center is 5.5" wide, if you don't want to buy targets, you can use this [free printout].
I’m shooting the No-Fail straight up cold, and the Bill Drill after the no-fail. Going from a 3.5sec shot to as fast as I can requires a reset between in thinking, but I don’t feel I’m gaming the Bill-Drill with the 10 shot No-Fail before it, if anything it’s hurting my speed on it.
At 25 yards, draw and fire one shot under 3.5 sec par time (x10). One throwaway par time allowed, all in black to pass.
AT 7 yards, draw and fire (6) into 5.5” black in under 3.5 par, all in black to pass.
TEST DATE 09.29.24 (added Silicon Carbide to grip)
TEST DATE 09.15.24
Last shooting was USPSA match on 08.11.24. Still shooting too fast on this drill 80% 2.25-2.8 and one over time at 3.75, same 60% hits as last month. Not concentrating on SP enough, did not call any of the flyers.

I’ve also started tracking my DryFire time between tests.
10 Minutes of DryFire since last test. Curious to see the relation it has on future tests.
Last shot USPSA match on 07.14.24, no practice since. 80% were in the 2.5-2.8sec range with (2) over time at 4.10 ish as a result of mental stoppage. FAIL but feeling better at this drill, overall shooting skill is coming back.
While I had six on (3.87par), the 7th shot I can not say I called it so not taking cred for score. Since I can’t count and it mentally slows me down a bit, I will be loading 6 from now on.
Times are slow but accuracy is good, the tendency to rush causes the wheels to fall off pretty fast!
This is the closest I’ve gotten to my goal of a 3.5par so far and felt like the slowest shooting I’ve done on the drill yet.
I did shoot it with as hard a grip as I could muster this time. Am I on to something?
Added Safety Walk grip to the Glock, much better purchase on grip now. Will see how well this contributes to a better grip and recoil management.
Three months cold, no shooting. First shot I threw on purpose, the rest are under the 3.5 par time heard in the video.
Those are great drills! I try to shoot a couple matches a month between a two gun event called "practical rifle", USPSA, and 3 gun with occasional " brutality" or PRS mixed in. I always shoot cold, with no dry fire or preparation before hand, and consider that first stage to be my true performance. No shoots get shot, targets might be missed, and triggers get pulled on a poor sight picture, but fighting through the adversity is just about priceless.
Yeah, I struggled mightily with the NFD 🤣
Then Chuck busts out 98s on it, like it's nothing. Infuriating.
Another good drill that kinda bridges the gap between the NFD and Bill is the Defoor Hat Drill. No requirement to shoot cold.
10 rds on a B8, from 25 yds. Must shoot 90+. Par time with optic, 14 seconds. Par time with irons, 20 seconds. On beep, draw and fire ten rounds.
Still trying to clean the Triple Nickle. Pretty sure that is gonna be the death of me.
5 targets (either Transitional Target II or FBI QIT), at least 1.5 ft apart. Standing on 5yd line. On beep, draw from concealment, and fire 2 rds per target. Must perform one reload in there somewhere. All hits in the bottle. Par time 5 seconds. Can shoot it high 5s, clean...if I make par, it's a shitshow 🤣
Keep grindin' man!