I made a quick Kydex sheath for my custom fighter when I got it January of this year just so I could carry it on MOLLE. I arranged the rivets so they would work with MALICE clips and until today had not bothered to do anything more.

I have recently decided I want this knife to be part of my LINE 1 gear to be kept on me at all times when in the field. This means it needs to be on the base layer belt and out of the way of a Battle Belt or Hip Belt from a pack.
I had no complaints about the Kydex sheath I made earlier, but the method for attaching it to the belt required a decision be made on my part.
Having used my WSK on a dangler, I grew fond of this carry method as having the ability for the knife to “get out of the way” when needed was a major selling point of it. A true dangler though has too much movement to draw the knife one handed consistently so I went with a leather drop to allow flexibility and consistent placement of the blade.
The design features a split in the loop to allow locking it into the 3:00 belt loop placement as well as a spot for a 1/2 Ferro-Rod. I had thought about adding a small piggyback for an Altoids can but have decided to keep it simple for now.
All parts for making the sheath come from Knifekits.com who I have used for years.
I like it... Nice job.