Ever notice that YouTubers always setup their shelters when it is not raining or is barely sprinkling in 60F+ weather?
Nothing against the Corporal, I know he’s the real deal, but just look at the cover image for this video. It' shows several shelters from a poncho and him in a t-shirt.
Even if it was 60F and raining, if the poncho is your only rain gear, you are going to be soaked by the time you setup any of these shelters.
If you are going to use the poncho as your rain gear, then you can’t choose when to set it up as shelter (like when it’s raining) if you have no other rain gear to put on.
If you have rain gear to put on, WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE a poncho for a shelter? How about brining a proper sized tarp and leaving the poncho on while setting it up? Or as I did in my second shelter test, use a proper rain suit so you can setup the poncho in the rain and not worry about getting soaked?
The only exception to this rule, IMO, would be if you have a Swagman as a second “rain poncho” that you are packing for the insulation value and versatility of the garment. It’s ability to shed water is so good I am using it as a “poncho under a poncho” in my GHB shelter kit.
You can see how I’m doing this here in my 3rd test:
There is one “shelter” that a poncho works well and depends on a poncho and that’s wearing the poncho and putting a candle under it to keep you warm or to dry you out.
This is why my primary “shelter” for my 50 mile GHB is a poncho / Swagman and it does work well no matter how wet you get or how much rain you are walking through.
Having a way to dry out when things are soaking wet is a potential life or death situation that a simple candle and a poncho can provide.
I’m not against poncho shelters, but have realistic expectations and I suggest trying them in the worst of conditions to learn their limits.
This guy found out it’s not the Hilton.
This guy is a good example of having praticed and excelled at setup in the rain.
Whatever you do, don’t just buy one and stick it in the GHB without learning to set it up in various configurations and IN THE RAIN.
Great post! Glad to see someone say this.
Absolutely spot on. We've addressed this a few times as well. https://youtube.com/live/naWsiOihVfI?feature=share